If some creation was made by Weegeeisgoingtokillm/SomeGuy2000/Butthenidied/The Emolga/Minun/Megaman/Montblanc/Whatever-his-name-is, his name will be simply referred as "Weegee" However, an edited version by alexandrei was only uploaded on that site I don't want to mention again. The original version XTails225X's Tails was originally hosted on it as well, but then carolineroberge43 rehosted it on Internet Archive (which is good, at least), and I finally reuploaded it to this site for those who can't find the character outside this disreputable site and Internet Archive.

These creations are usually hosted on, well, that site (I won't tell you which, but you will know it already), but since this site has too strict download restrictions for guests (max 10 MB as of March 4, 2023), these were reuploaded here.